
Groom & Bride

The Groom

Lorem elitr magna stet rebum dolores sed. Est stet labore est lorem lorem at amet sea, eos tempor rebum, labore amet ipsum sea lorem, stet rebum eirmod amet. Kasd clita kasd stet amet est dolor elitr.


The Bride

Lorem elitr magna stet rebum dolores sed. Est stet labore est lorem lorem at amet sea, eos tempor rebum, labore amet ipsum sea lorem, stet rebum eirmod amet. Kasd clita kasd stet amet est dolor elitr.



Our Love Journey

First Meet

Aug 2022

I was impressed by your strength and independence.You are a girl who knows what she wants and goes after it

First Date

20 Oct 2022

Do you remember the fisr gift? It was a stuffed hamster, soft and cuddly๐Ÿ’. I chose it because i want to be your Hamster. You are so adorable and sweet, and I love to hug you.

Our journey

Keep Going

we have been through a lot together. We have faced many ups and downs, joys and sorrows, challenges and victories. But our journey is still not over. We have so much more to explore, to learn, to grow. You are the reason I keep moving forward, you are the reason I want to be better.

My birthday

04 Jun 2023

my best birthday ever !!! ๐Ÿ’•

Your birthday

03 Oct 2023

๐Ÿ’• we had a greatest time ๐Ÿ’•.


20 Oct 2023

My dearest, I want to thank you for being by my side for one year. You have been my best friend, my lover, and my partner in crime. You have supported me through thick and thin, and encouraged me to chase my dreams. You have made me laugh, smile, and cry tears of joy. You have shown me what true love is, and I canโ€™t imagine my life without you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, and I love you more than words can say. Happy anniversary, my sweetheart! ๐Ÿ’•.

timer here

๐Ÿ’• AND MANY MORE . . . ๐Ÿ’•

And for more memmories, click below icon

Our Wedding Event

Clita ipsum aliquyam dolor diam dolores elitr nonumy. Rebum sea vero ipsum eirmod tempor kasd. Diam amet lorem erat eos sit lorem elitr justo

The Reception

Location, City, Country

12:00AM - 13:00PM

Wedding Party

Location, City, Country

12:00AM - 13:00PM

Friends & Family

Groomsmen & Bridesmaid

  • Groomsmen
  • Bridesmaid

Full Name

Best Friend

Full Name

Best Friend

Full Name

Best Friend

Full Name

Best Friend

Full Name

Best Friend

Full Name

Best Friend

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